even watch, an 18-year-old at a michigan target stalking the aisles looking for unsuspecting women. watch as he brazenly walks up, slips his cell phone under a skirt and captures the video. that s pretty disgusting. pretty creepy and disgusting. reporter: creepy, disgusting all too common. last week this man arrested using his cell phone to video women in a mall restroom. three weeks ago, this guy busts for using his phone to snap pictures of a 12-year-old in a target dressing room in north carolina. last month, another peeping tom got more than he bargained for when he slid a camera under the stall of a dressing room where this woman was trying things on. busted out of the dressing room door got in his face, started screaming at him. then i got him and definitely pushed him and so he went down. reporter: police charged the 21-year-old peeping tom with voyeurism and disorderly