able. how did that poll? that fairness all of his fairness arguments and balance arguments polls really well across the board even with republicans. but very well with independents and, of course, not surprising with democrats. and again, when we tested these phrases, we did so without attribution, didn t say it was president obama or mitt romney all taken from the speeches they gave to the newspaper editors a couple weeks ago. those where is his best and it polled better than all of the romney quotes that we polled. both polled pretty well but the president s where is better across the board on the fairness argument, andrea. but what happens when we listen to this comment from president obama, again, the people questioned were not told who had made this comment. right. and this is sort of bordering into the class warfare, blame the rich. right. what drags down our entire economy is when there s an everwidening cham between the ultimate ra rich and everybody
committee. look, this is about the common good. he helped slash the education budget by $3 billion and voted against pel grants. what he did when he was president, this is the worst, when he was president of club for growth, i like pat, i ve had a beer with him, when he was president for club for growth, a grab bag for the ultimate ra rich, when he was president, he actually had as his principal mission purging the republican party of moderates and went after senator lincoln chafee and others. to my mind, we don t need an ideology. is he a right winger? he s farther on the right, yes, he s much he extreme. let s talk turkey, congressman. you deserve both titles. let me ask you this. are you going to get bill clinton in there? you look at southwestern pennsylvania, anywhere in that state, among the african-american community which has been hammered with unemployment, if they had the jobs that the irish guys had in the neighborhoods i grew up in today, they would be