/PRNewswire/ Recognizing that there is a pressing need within the legal profession for lawyers who can combine skill and integrity in the courtroom, the.
/PRNewswire/ Recognizing that there is a pressing need within the legal profession for lawyers who can combine skill and integrity in the courtroom, the.
What is all this screen time doing to your child s eye health? Author: Allie Corey Updated: 8:00 AM CST February 16, 2021
ST. LOUIS These days we ve all become ‘zoomies’ – virtual zombies on our screens.
This can be especially concerning for our kids who are coming up on a year now of at-home learning. So 5 On Your Side spoke to an ophthalmologist about what parents can do right now to lessen the impact.
Mom Tara Neumann has her Pattonville second and sixth graders set up for success for their virtual learning at home.
“These kids are like superheroes. I mean to think that we told them to take their computers home because they were going to go home for a week and here we are a year later. It s just it s unbelievable,” Neumann said.