oh boy. wi-fi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. in many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40 s. neil: all right. we re getting some scary figures coming out of north korea right now that maybe they re not intent on following up with the promises and commitments to denuclearize. the original start of this was the secretary of state pompeo going to north korea and getting what he thought was a favorable response to a lot of requests that we set a timeline for this denuclearization and then his tactics were deemed gangster-like. he went on to say that the world world is gangster if that s the case. the president says he has full confidence that kim jong-un will honor the deal. the read from tara maller on this. what s going on?
north korean dictator promised to work towards denuclearization. it s virtually this exact same promise that north korea made and broken for decades. let s bring in tara maller, spokesperson and senior policy adviser for the counter extremism project. hi, tara. hi. thanks for having me. shepard: goals are great. reality is awful. how are we any better now than before all of this mess happened? i was here with you after the summit occurred. we talked about how problematic it was that a, we didn t have a transcript of what transpired and b, there wasn t anything tangible and concrete that came out of that discussion. diplomacy is good. it s a necessary part of this. it s not sufficient. we re not any closer to getting towards denuclearization and we won t be closer until we have a specific timetable with specific guarantees about concessions that the north koreans are going to demonstrate.
this regime that goes away when you put the president of the united states against them. this helped him. do you grow? i agree that we should not be appeasing in terms of granting concessions without getting anything in return. i don t think president trump should have halted our thwarting our military exercises and i don t think we should be praising a dictator and complimenting him and going over the top that is unnecessary. diplomacy needs to take place. we ll see how it pans out. shepard: tara maller, hope you have a fantastic fourth of july. thank you. same to you. shepard: thank you. north and south korea facing off on the basketball court. dozens of south korean basketball players arriving in pyongyang tad. the south koreans coming to the north. set to play. another good show of good will
now we go to tara maller. thank you, first of all. thanks for having me. shep: the first thing that happened is we learned from the parties about the discussion in singapore that the president told him yeah, the provocative war games are over. meaning the defensive drill exercises won t happen anymore. we learned that he hadn t told the south koreans. then we knew that would get to washington. then we knew people would have to start explaining, congress explaining, what it was that the president had done. now steve scalise is apparently doing a little congress explaining. we really don t know, do we, what is about to happen? we don t know. shep: no one knows but the president. it s not that unusual in the trump administration. that you see officials scrambling after the fact. one of the troubling things related to the summit i want to praise the summit. the fact that it occurred, you have diplomacy in play, that s positive. but having said that, i think it
the north koreans will use that picture of the spyhief smiling, you know, the nature of that meeting for their domestic political propaganda. the number one thing the north koreans wants, neil, is to show they re on the par, two leaders, their leader and the president of the united states are on the same par. neil: does that mean that no one can smile? i don t know. tara maller is here, counter terrorism project. what do you think? you have to be careful but at the end of the day, the north koreans will use it for propaganda no matter what happens. they ll use the photo ops. that s fine.