to the presidency than robert mueller. i think michael cohen has so much more to offer robert mueller. michael cohen goes back a dozen years with donald trump. we don t know but there could be tapes michael cohen kept of him talking with the president of the united states. those are now in the hands of the sort of we re in this limbo right now waiting to see who actual i had gets to look at this first, whether it be the special prosecutors or a special master, a tape team that they re hoping to use to go through those materials. that s a key question, a major legal decision we are waiting for by the district court in new york city and whether or not that could go on up and could very quickly elevate to a supreme court case. but what is in the materials that the fbi got is something that i m sure a lot of people are nervous about. it s why a new lawyer for the president was in new york a arguing that they should have access to those materials. i didn t mature past the age of 12. h
i usually agree with our reporter but i have a slight disagreement. the tape team is a self-serving mechanism within the dj. it s the doj doing the investigation and people within the doj who create a team who vet and review the documents. as a defense attorney i don t feel comfortable with that. even though it s probably not a reasonable request by mike cool hen for his lawyers to review, because that s what they would have done in response to a subpoena. there s a concern about that. i think it would be reasonable the court would appoint an independent body, not the doj, not the lawyers, neither side but an independent body that would review the communications, items seized to see whether or not they re protected. okay. let me come back to cohen in a second. we have a lot to juggle this afternoon. now the president has just tweeted. we re going to move off cohen for a second and go back to
you know, andrea, you guys a double-team by the way. did amazing reporting on every single one of those three manafort s real estate raids had two teams, a tape team that was there to make sure that transactions. nobody in the normal i remember reading your work and thinking that looks like a prima investigation would by chance facie case. see privileged material. and what shows up in the mueller investment? robert gates has pleaded guilty to that. i think one of the things that this is a huge coordinated is incredibly interesting about the cohen real estate operation. transactions is that he has per just to explain that. his own account, he came to the attention of donald trump by buying apartments in his buildings and his family bought my understanding is they call it apartments in his buildings. a clean and dirty team in these and one of the things we re trying to figure out now on our cases. trump podcast in our opening investigation is how he did because it does happen somet
didn t they just do that. and that what that means is they basically had concluded and they needed some concrete reason to do so, that as with manafort, as you may remember, cohen wasn t likely to be cooperative. they needed to come in with the huge show of federal force. a double-team by the way. every single one of those three raids had two teams, a tape team that was there to make sure that nobody in the normal investigation would by chance see privileged material. this is a huge coordinated operation. just to explain that. my understanding is they call it a clean and dirty team in these cases. because it does happen sometimes that you re getting privileged information from a lawyer s office. and you got to essentially keep a firewall between the two, is that how it works? that s exactly how it works. and it s very hard in practice. there have been prosecutions, the oliver north one that was thrown out for that reason. judges take it very, very seriously.
successful in the past at working with the media counteract some of these stories. getting hit with a disproportionate number of negative stories and a tremendous amount of leaks, much more than we sow with the obama administration and the bush administration. he can go to anybody. cory lewandowski, brian lanza, jason miller, he may go to those guys, made go to a new group of people. if he calls, people are going to be responsive. he s the president. he has a whole tape team of people that helped bring him in the white house that he has an enormous amount of respect for any trust. i think some combination of those men and women are there and ready to serve him. i think the most unique thing about what s going on right now is that he s a disruptive change agent and that swamp has a very