but as time went on and the strength of the prosecution s case we had eight accusers here crying on the stand, raw emotion for days and days on end. i think maybe when the strength of that hit the defense, they thought better of putting jerry sandusky on any kind of record if they ever plan to appeal this. kathleen kane, diane makes reference to the bob costas interview. while that which the jury heard i thought was compelling during the course of the last few days we find there was a piece of that tape america never saw and this jury never saw which to my ear was a confession, was an admission of sorts. why do you think that wasn t introduced at this trial? that part of the costas tape. i really don t know. maybe they couldn t authenticate and it maybe the prosecution couldn t get the right witnesses up to authenticate the tape. but it was extremely damaging. the part they didn t show was probably more damaging than the part they did show. right. he virtually came out and sa