i ve learned that mika cannot do a cramp roll. and i learned my phone s ringing too. that s okay. did you just call it a cramp roll? john heilemann, what did you learn? i just learned what a cramp roll is and i ve also learned it s been mika s life-time dream to be a tap dancer. i m terrible. i tried all my life. it s a long story. donald trump, don t insult all right, number one at warden. don t say he s not an intellect. i said don t start trying to dance today. what did you learn? i told john heilemann all of. joe, what did you learn today? i learned that in this season of hope and spring, that little children are getting off of school buses only to have their hopes dashed and their hearts broken because the white house has closed their doors and said
we know what smacks you around makes you stronger, which explains the rise of newt. this year s rudolph with more red-noses than a pub on st. patrick s day? showing you that protecting people from criticism only hurts them. how as the liberal loving media helped president obama? not well. he has made more missteps than a tap dancer in an earthquake. but the fan-based media shielded him. compare no to rudolph. due to his triumph over bullying, to one in america eats reindeer. if they do, they call it car r caribou. the nose is the best part. bob [ laughter ] are you okay? bob: why did i think i d get the first one. greg: do you think rudolph promotes bullying? [ laughter ] bob: that was a great monologue on your part. i don t know who the professor is and how he got bullying
reindeer. greg: the professor is right, that was bad. no one should bully a reindeer, especially one so uniquely red-nosed. it eag by tri or reindeerist if you will. but the pursuing the opinion ignoring the facts, rudolph prefails. at this point that makes eric happy i must tie this to president obama. we know what smacks you around makes you stronger, which explains the rise of newt. this year s rudolph with more red-noses than a pub on st. patrick s day? showing you that protecting people from criticism only hurts them. how as the liberal loving media helped president obama? not well. he has made more missteps than a tap dancer in an earthquake. but the fan-based media shielded him. compare no to rudolph. due to his triumph over bullying, to one in america eats reindeer. if they do, they call it car r caribou.
mr. hernandez. way ahead of the pack. i don t know soccer. this is such a shock because the french, the french who didn t win a game in euro 2008 they have some of the best players on the planet. these are people that dominate world soccer. you could go on and on. i wouldn t put malooda in there. this is the worst use of talent in france since monet who was told by his agent to be a tap dancer instead of put the brushes down. this guy has ruined a great team. are they in advance of not advancing? a tie and a loss some. you know, what i was up all night weeping and eating coissants. i think the only way they can make it in if mexico beats
greeley colorado. they ve interviewed family and friends and registered sex offenders in an attempt to find the young girl. u.s. treasury secretary timothy geithner is change a report to congress whether china manipulates the value of their currency. there have been some concerns by some lawmakers that undervalued chinese currency is costing american jobs. with china s president expected in washington later this month of the delay will avoid a confrontation, it will allow leaders to talk about global economic recovery. luke spring, a six-year-old tap dancer who wowed the crowd in the nation s capital. a young dave briggs. luke wasn t originally on the program for the washington event and some of the other performers didn t know he d be dancing, but two days into the event he was invited to dance, and when it was over, the