over the outbreak. the first one brought by tanya genovich of wisconsin who got salmonella from a cobb salad she ate at this restaurant last july. cold, hot, fever, you name it, i had it. i felt like i had everything. reporter: and the number of people getting ill fever was real bad. lost almost 25 pounds. reporter: rising fast. i woke up in the middle of the night really sick to my stomach, horrible stomach pains. reporter: cdc said nearly 2,000 illnesses across the country may be linked to this outbreak. even after three of its farms were flagged for salmonella, wright county egg continued shipping eggs from its other farms in galt, iowa. 100 million more eggs. thousands of them packaged and shipped after the initial recall. first the recall was limited to eggs stamped at the end here with 1026, 1413, or 1946 indicating the plants where the outbreaks started. consumers should also not eat eggs stamped 1720, 1942, 1951, 1686, or 1091. why did it take so long before w