good times for the ketterer family, who have been brewing beer since 1877. germany s best loved export has never gone out of fashion. anke is the next in a long line of ketterers to inherit the secret recipe and take on the family firm. did she have a choice, i asked? germany is a rich country. its wealth depends on family businesses just like this one the so called mittelstand.
the world s economic giants. this is the land that makes cars, chemicals even a covid vaccine. angela merkel s predecessors must take credit for some of this wealth, but under her leadership, the country has prospered. good times for the kettererfamily, who have been brewing beer since 1877. germany s best loved export has never gone out of fashion. anke is the next in a long line of ketterers who have taken on the family firm.
(Im 4. Absatz wurde der Titel der ProSieben-Sendung korrigiert: "Star" statt "Raab".) BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - Mit Auftritten der Ehrlich Brothers, von Mario Barth oder Atze Schröder hat RTL am Samstagabend
BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - Mit Auftritten der Ehrlich Brothers, von Mario Barth oder Atze Schröder hat RTL am Samstagabend eine Live-Show für die "Corona-Helden und Heldinnen" veranstaltet: 1,35 Millionen schalteten
Najviše kredita uzeto kod UniCredit Bank Banja Luka i Mostar. Kamata se kreće i do čak 4,1 posto. . - KANTON SARAJEVO ZADUŽIO SE ZA VIŠE OD 50 MILIONA KM: Evo od koje banke je uzeto najviše kredita… | Slobodna Bosna