With the current high-interest rates and unpredictable economic situation (just look what happened to Credit Suisse), it makes it even more crucial for those who are shopping around for a new home to pick the right one. This week, we've gone around and highlighted the main features of upcoming new launches, so you have a quick snapshot of what you're.
Singapore News - President's Scholar Elizabeth Ng was 11 years old when her mother fell at home and became paralysed from the neck down. Doctors said she would not be able to walk again and likely be bedridden for life. "She had a severe spinal cord injury. and she lost all sensation and. Read more at www.tnp.sg
Singapore News - The Ministry of Education on Monday (March 7) announced several changes to give students greater flexibility in what they wish to study, and admission to schools and post-secondary institutions. Here are some highlights: 1. No more mid-year exams for primary,. Read more at www.tnp.sg