Number of the young indestructible young people paying premiums to support the plan. Remembersike nobody that in the first year of the Affordable Care act, those with the first two things that basically were pulled out of the Affordable Care act. Guy believe that is why the that was the mastermind behind president obamas plan, why he said that he did not agree that he knew that the plan was going to fail, because you cannot include those groups. For political reasons, for the employer mandate and for just the way young people are, when they feel indestructible, they dont pay for insurance. Nathan, jacksonville, north carolina, independent. Caller i am calling from jacksonville and wanted to make a comment about the media. The thing is, how government is and investorsia and bankers and everything else, so we need to do is clean house on the media, as well. Not just government and senators, but the media as well. I dont trust paul ryan and i dont trust any of those people in our governme