LISBON – The Columbiana County Retired Teachers Association met for their final meeting of 2023 at the Lisbon First United Methodist Church. The meeting was conducted by the CCRTA Board. Nancy Dicken welcomed all, led the pledge and took attendance. Rosemary Bruehler offered the treasurer’s report and the minutes were provided by Loretta Davidson. The […]
LISBON The Columbiana County Retired Teachers Association met for their final meeting of 2023 at the Lisbon First United Methodist Church. The meeting was c
LISBON – The Columbiana County Retired Teachers Association met for their final meeting of 2023 at the Lisbon First United Methodist Church. The meeting was c
The Highland County Retired Teachers’ Association (HCRTA) will hold its regular fall meeting on Monday, Nov. 13, at the Hillsboro Church of Christ fellowship hall.
Class of ‘59 to meet STEUBENVILLE The Steubenville High School Class of ‘59 held itsmonthly luncheon Sept. 13. Donna Snyder gave the blessing and an up