Tamil Nadu Health Minister said that the state’s health department has increased vigilance at public places and all necessary arrangements will be made at international airports.
Tamil Nadu relaxes Covid-19 restrictions, allows political, cultural gatherings - Check full guidelines - On Wednesday, Tamil Nadu recorded 320 fresh Covid-19 cases, 3 related deaths, pushing the cumulative tally to 34,50,041 so far and toll to 38,009.
Tamil Nadu government issues fresh guidelines as COVID-19 cases rise - What s allowed, what s not - Tamil Nadu had reported 13,958 fresh Covid-19 positive cases on Monday and the number of active cases in the state stood at 62,767.
Tamil Nadu: Government announces more lockdown relaxations ahead of festive season - From November 1, private exhibitions, playschools, nursery schools, and Anganwadis can function, ensuring that the caretakers, workers are vaccinated.