Photographs: Above and below - Tamil children with signs of acute malnourishment, pictured inside the final conflict zone. The LTTE’s Political Head B Nadesan accused the Sri Lankan government of deliberately carrying out a "horrendous act of genocide", with their restriction on food, medicines and humanitarian access to Tamil civilians in the final conflict zone.
Sri Lanka’s controversial truth and reconciliation mechanism, the Interim Secretariat for the Truth and Reconciliation Mechanism (ISTRM), which has been roundly criticised by international experts and Tamil civil society, was presented before high-ranking Sri Lankan military officials, Sri Lanka’s police officials, and members of the Sinhala Buddhist clergy.
The aftermath of a Sri Lankan military attack on a hospital, which was hit twice on the morning of 2nd May 2009. The only remaining hospital in Mullivaikkal was attacked twice by the Sri Lankan military on the morning of the 2nd of May 2009, with at least 64 people killed and a further 87 injured.
The Canadiian government said it “supports meaningful action leading to justice, accountability, peace and reconciliation,” when asked by the Tamil Guardian about the Sri Lankan government’s objection to the genocide monument in Brampton.