Lefist Palestinian nationalist group that formed after the Six Day War of 1967 and pioneered terrorist strategies in the early 1970s. Once a key player in Palestinian politics,the PFLP lost influence in the 1990s and was sidelined as Yasir Arafat established the Palestinian Authority.
The combination of the economic turmoil in Jenin, life under the military operations, leadership that incites violence, and the inaction of the PA have emboldened extremism.
Israelis are human, too, and we are suffering and dying, as well. Our lives matter. The lives of innocent Palestinians matter. Even if the CBC doesn’t care enough to highlight it.
In October, Mariam Barghouti interviewed Palestinian resistance fighter Nidal Khazem. Six months later after Israeli forces assassinated him, Barghouti returned to interview his father and share a previously unheard recording of her interview with Nidal.
In 2022, Israel’s Operation Break the Wave sought to destroy a newly-emerging wave of Palestinian resistance. This pivotal moment in Palestinian history continues to unfold today.