MONTAGUE It sounds crazy, but Montague has been singing daily since COVID-19 lockdowns began two years ago.Not the entire town, of course. Yet it seems to boggle many minds: a group with typically eight or more singers on the Town Common in.
On common ground
People gather on the Montague Center Common at 2 p.m. to sing. Staff Photo/Paul Franz
People gather on the Montague Center Common at 2 p.m. to sing. Staff Photo/Paul Franz
Ben Fink leads people on the Montague Center Common in a little ditty about poisoning pigeons in the park shortly after 2 p.m. on a recent sunny day. Fink moved to Montague from Connecticut after hearing about the daily singing group from a friend. Staff Photo/Paul Franz
Members of the community sing on the Montague Center Common last spring, around the time the daily sings started. Staff FILE Photo/PAUL FRANZ
Peacemaker award for Franklin County teens
Published: 12/15/2020 12:18:17 PM
This spring, like the past 20 springs, the Traprock Center for Peace and Justice along with the Interfaith Council of Franklin County will celebrate teenagers who are Peacemakers. We invite teachers, mentors, counselors and parents to nominate their high school-aged youth in the Franklin County area who have made or are making a contribution to peace and social justice.
Over the years we have had innovative projects of a wide variety such as Training Active Bystanders, serving community meals, writing anti-bullying pledges, creating a video about a detention center in Texas or organizing rallies. Each awardee will be honored and receive a certificate and small stipend.