@kabeeryousef - Penguins in the desert!!!Sounds weird, isn't it?Beg to differ. There are penguins living in the Sultanate of Oman, where there are no arctic or Antarctic islands or Southern Hemisphere!!There are 12 African Penguins comprising 6 females and 5 males and a baby penguin at the Oman Aquarium at the Mall of Muscat in Mabela. Belonging to the.
MUSCAT: Marking a milestone in excellence in tourism promotion, the Sultanate of Oman’s largest and the only public aquarium has bagged the Silver Award in Retail Excellence at the prestigious Retail Congress MENA. The award was presented to Oman Aquarium for outstanding performance, innovation, and commercial success at a glittering ceremony held in.
Reported sales nilNet profit of Amani Trading & Exports reported to Rs 0.02 crore in the quarter ended December 2020. There were no net profit/loss reported during the previous quarter ended December 2019. There were no Sales reported in the quarter ended December 2020 and during the previous quarter ended December 2019.
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