AN air-cond technician was lucky to have noticed the smoke coming out of his car before it burst into flames near Taman Padi View along Penampang Bypass, Thursday.
The Water Department will step up efforts to check on the condition of its distribution mains in Penampang to ensure that consumers are not unduly inconvenienced by pipe-bursts or its efforts to maintain these installations
Published on: Thursday, December 17, 2020
By: Sidney Skinner
Text Size: The lights in this Penampang neighbourhood has been restored.
THE District Council has restored the inoperative streetlights in Taman Padi View, following a complaint from a Penampang ratepayer that the housing roads in the neighbourhood were poorly lit.
A spokesman for the agency said damage to some of the components servicing those facilities was to blame for the breakdown.
“The contractor tasked with maintaining the lights made the necessary repairs and double-checked that same night to ensure that the common areas, including the verge outside the resident’s house, was properly lit,” he said.