SIXTY-TWO notices have been issued to Flat PKNS AU3 owners in Taman Keramat in Ampang Jaya, Selangor, to remove all illegal extensions at their premises within the stipulated period at their own cost.In a statement, Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ) public relations officer Norhayati Ahmad said officers from the Building and Architecture and Enforcement departments surveyed six of the 15 blocks also known as Flat UTM on June 1, and found the owners of 62 units in breach of Section 72(1) of the Road, Drainage and Building Act (Act 133).
KUALA LUMPUR, June 19 The remains of popular singer and actress Adibah Noor Mohamed Omar, 51, were laid to rest at the Taman Keramat Permai Muslim Cemetery here at noon. The.
KUALA LUMPUR: The remains of popular singer and actress Adibah Noor Mohamed Omar were laid to rest at the Taman Keramat Permai Muslim Cemetery here at Sunday noon (June 19).