August 3, 2020
Due to current health conditions, Tama Council will be returning to zoom meetings. The link is Meeting ID 921 4384 3919 or by phone at 408-638-0968. City buildings will be closed to the public. Tonight s meeting begins at 6 p.m.
Tama Council Agenda
August 3, .
July 11, 2020
Wes Ray, County Assessor presented to the Board of Supervisors regarding homestead/military credit approvals and removals on Monday, July 6. Ray recommended a military credit on Parcel 07-11-176-007 be removed as the owner has no record of military service. The board voted in favor of the .
July 11, 2020
On June 8th, the City of Chelsea swore in a new City Clerk, Lonika Utterback. Ms. Utterback is taking over duties from former City Clerk, Kathy Werner. Mrs. Werner served as part-time City Clerk and Library Director since May 2018, until resigning from the Library Director position in September .