CADILLAC — School, community mental health and public health staff got an eye-opening update about things youth are doing to get high during a recent speaker’s visit to Cadillac.
Centerstone to host free, virtual Tall Cop training
The Telegraph
WEST FRANKFORT Centerstone, a national leader in behavioral health care, will host a free, virtual “High in Plain Sight” presentation by Jermaine “Tall Cop” Galloway on May 14 from 1-3 p.m. via Zoom. CEUs and CPDUs are available.
“Tall Cop” will provide a free, wraparound-type training that will provide education, prevention and enforcement to address the concerns with underage drinking and drug problems within our communities. This training will help participants detect alcohol and drug problems and fight them within our communities as a whole. Jermaine will discuss designer drugs, stash clothing, and alcohol and drugs concerns with our youth in rural areas.