Monday Memo: “Try to Sell Everyone You Talk to.” Regardless of your stated occupation, you’re in sales, “especially if you’re in radio, where, lately,” consultant Holland Cooke observes, “return on investment in talent is calculated ruthlessly.” In this week’s column, HC recommends a read that h .
Monday Memo: Robots ARE Taking Over. Like so many of the big conferences only Las Vegas can host, this month’s NAB convention was canceled. “But,” consultant Holland Cooke reports, “I went anyway. The trip turned into a mini-vacation, since my wife had taken a couple workdays off to join me here .
Pending Business: Beam Me Up Scotty. Radio sales pro Steve Lapa says, “If you sell talk radio for a living, take a minute to thank William Shatner.” Why? “For years talk radio sellers used the anecdotal examples of iconic figures who crossed into the older demographic with faces and lifestyle th .
Monday Memo: “America Is Running Out of Everything.” Dealers want to buy your car. Paper towels and toilet paper are getting scarce again. Need to replace the dishwasher you KO’d during the shutdown? “Lotsa luck,” says consultant Holland Cooke, as conveyor belts that shut-down during the shutdow .
Monday Memo: Copy Worth Copying, Part 3. Consultant Holland Cooke quips, “I’m a consultant. If you steal from me, you’ve stolen twice!’ And in this week’s column, he invites you to “emulate success” by passing along effective commercial copy points he’s squirreled-away. “Describe your advertiser .