conquer politics that have boosted moore. donald trump is at this moment programming the presidency like you d program a right-wing talk radio show. whatever keeps the switchboard lit up and the phone calls keep coming in. his callers don t want to talk about marginal tax rates or the third version of the travel ban or the crisis in puerto rico. they certainly don t want to talk about the latest republican health care bill which collapsed earlier today. they want to talk about the american flag and those quote/unquote spoiled athletes who won t stand up for the national anthem. after taking to twitter yet again this morning in response to another demonstration last night, the president was asked if the nfl controversy, about which he s tweeted two dozen times, is distracting about more pressing concerns. you re so occupied with the nfl instead of dealing with puerto rico. why isn t that a fair assessment? well, i wasn t preoccupied with the nfl. i was ashamed of what was taking pla
of his base, but we re talking about somewhere around a third of the american people. that s not a success story, even if you dial it up to 40. there were some trump voters on cnn. these were hard-core trump voters and they were dismayed and disappointed with the fixation on the nfl. so i don t know that this is the political win he believes it to be. maybe if he was a talk radio show, but i m sorry, there are real responsibilities with the presidency, and he s letting down his supporters by not actually doing the job let alone the rest of us. and april, we had seen his approval rating tick up a few points in the aftermath of hurricanes irma and harvey. yet here we are now, this issue has taken his focus off the ball when it comes to prk prb. no matter what heicize, it s clear. he lives on twitter. he didn t tweet about it. is that going to hurt him or no? because he s certainly fixing it quickly. we ll see, erin, because you know, football, the major league sports, people love the
we are doing what we think is right. it s none of your business, please go back to worrying about the fact that north korea is firing missiles over japan and that we have been hit by two major hurricanes in the past three weeks. you have better things to do with your salary, sarah huckaby sanders than talking about this nonsense? yeah, i think that s a good point. part of the issue here for espn it seems they re now caught in the crossfire of the culture war. they can t escape it. i mean, they had a whole thing with kurt schilling. kurt schilling had multiple infractions, in things he said on a talk radio show about hillary should be buried under jail somewhere, social media post. ultimately after several of these, he was let go. they ve got the colin kaepernick phenomenon and all the social currents of that squarely in the thing they cover. they want desperately to avoid politics, but ultimately they can t. right? that s their problem. no, you this is a you
they said is critical, knuckleing under that is very dangerous. i agree, i think espn should have been much stronger in pushing back on that particular issue. you know, this is our employee, we re handling it internally. we are doing what we think is right. it s none of your business, please go back to worrying about the fact that north korea is firing missiles over japan and that we have been hit by two major hurricanes in the past three weeks. you have better things to do with your salary, sarah huckaby sanders than talking about this nonsense? yeah, i think that s a good point. part of the issue here for espn it seems they re now caught in the crossfire of the culture war. they can t escape it. i mean, they had a whole thing with kurt schilling. kurt schilling had multiple infractions, in things he said on a talk radio show about hillary should be buried under jail somewhere, social media post. ultimately after several of these, he was let go.
like to dump on they will. but there he is repeating the words that we know that came from this guy butowsky. they spoon fed a story which was picked up verbatim, blaming this dead kid, this dead staffer, for what the russians did. and what is unthe fortunate is that the story was retracted. once you have something on tv like, that it is hard to pull it back. we don t know whether fox news has done anything internally. who fed that to him? who put in his mouth? what we know is that ed butowsky interviewed personally who is this guy willing to go whole hog in a lie? why is he so committed to donald trump he is willing to put his whole being of dishonesty? thought behind a totally made up terrible indecent attack on someone who died? as he wealthy texas based financial manager and kind of a conservative gad fly. he is often on a talk radio show