tonight that is rafael warnock. rank and file fbi whistleblower coming forward, many saying director wray has lost control of the agency and needs to resign, according to washington times, whistleblower claims include allegations of basis, signing false affidavits and according to my sources who i spoke to within the last hour directly involved with the whistleblowers, there are now 20 confirmed whistleblowers that have come forward and according to their attorney, hearing from fbi personnel they feel like the director has lost control much the bureau and they are saying how does this guy survive? he s leaving, he s got to leave. also breaking new memo from merrick garland and his office, they are sending stern reminder this night to staff policies that limit contact with members of congress, that would mean fbi members talking to members of congress as whistleblowers. this letter obviously convenient reminder from attorney general of the united states. question is, is he try
hunt, how many deer, bear wear cavalar vests? not a joke. not a joke, are you a junkie? leo terrell, mark meadows, leo, do youment to respond about the only white guy and best basketball players? yes, i do, it is so racist. he is only white guy basketball, meaning black people, joe biden is 1955 time warp, his stories are old, outdated and doesn t make any bit of sense and it is insulting. not once did he mention the summer riots, joe biden don t go on tv and talk about law enforcement and don t talk about summer riots and call out blm,