talk about discipline. kimberly, it s probably tough coming out of college because you just have references to go on for internships. is it fair for some of the firms like goldman sachs to ask for the math scores if they know they re going to be a number cruncher at maybe a hedge fund. isn t that maybe reasonable? if they could tie it to a reasonable nexus to say, we want to see how good you are on math? why not give them your own test. maybe you learned a thing or two since the s.a.t. it was when when i took the s.a.t., and my grades are far better. what did you get? i didn t remember what my scores were. they scale it differently. i know i did very well in verbal, and my bath score was not as good. they changed it. i don t like to brag. up next, we ll celebrate tinsel town s golden nig.@w@wowg
talk about discipline. kimberly, it s probably tough coming out of college because you just have references to go on for internships. is it fair for some of the firms like goldman sachs to ask for the math scores if they know they re going to be a number cruncher at maybe a hedge fund. isn t that maybe reasonable? if they could tie it to a reasonable nexus to say, we want to see how are on math? why not give them your own test. maybe you learned a thing or two since the s.a.t. it was when when i took the s.a.t., and my grades are far better. what did you get? i didn t remember what my scores were. they scale it differently. i know i did very well in verbal, and my bath score was not as good. they changed it. i don t like to brag. up next, we ll celebrate tinsel town s golden night. get ready to have fun after the break.