Nitika Sharma, MD, said that she was driven to oncology based on a mission of providing compassionate care to patients undergoing treatment for cancer.“It’s a special connection you build with patients as an oncologist that you value,” Sharma, an expert in thoracic, gastrointestinal and breast cancer care who recently joined the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA),
Lisa M. Coussens, PhD, FAACR, the 2022 to 2023 American Association for Cancer Research president, aims to make mentorship and education — for both junior faculty and undergraduate and high school students — a core focus of her term.Healio spoke with Coussens, who also serves as chair of the cell, development and cancer biology department at Oregon Health & Science
Starting on the path toward a medical specialty requires drive and is bolstered by personal connection, especially when choosing a specialty that can be emotionally strenuous like oncology.Healio spoke with Stephanie L. Graff, MD, director of breast oncology at the Lifespan Cancer Institute and assistant professor of medicine at Brown University, and Priya Kumthekar, MD, a neuro-oncologist from
Cancer and its various treatments can strain the body to the point that participation in fitness activities and exercise is often drastically decreased, reducing the survivor’s level of physical fitness and adding to their medical problems.Because of this decline in fitness levels, also known as deconditioning, remaining physically active is a key component of all phases of cancer
BOSTON – Treatment with OC-01 nasal spray showed significant improvements in dry eye disease signs and symptoms, according to a data review presented at the American Academy of Optometry annual meeting.“Most recently, dry eye diseases have been defined as a multifactorial disease characterized by an unstable or deficient tear film and accompanied by loss of homeostasis; therefore, the