more than half of the a0 million or so people inside afghanistan appear to be in some way or other threatened by starvation, either acute or longer term, and, in that context, continuing to fight does not really seem viable? that is a very narrow definition of the situation. the country also cannot live in indignity. allow its soul to be crushed day and night by are very repressive, clerical dictatorship, who were preaching nothing but death and afterlife. so, therefore, i do not know if you look at it from a materialistic point of view, your argument is valid but, as human beings, do not live just for food. there is the factor
he said it s very crucial for the international community to support our efforts in any way that is possible to contain what he calls terrorism inside afghanistan. he says, we need assistance. you say, forget about assistance, that s not our future? no. i m not saying we don t need assistance. i m saying we re not wasting our time to go to western capitals who have, based on geopolitical calculations, taken their decision to outsource afghanistan to pakistanis and allow pakistani created cancer named taliban to run afghanistan. we should not waste our time trying to convince them to assist us. what we are struggling is to create a bigger relevance for ourselves, become an actuality, and become relevant. whether the west likes it or not, they will have to engage with us
like the world food programme is that the world needs to put huge amounts of funding into afghanistan to avert catastrophe. do you support international assistance now going into afghanistan? first of all, i do not buy the argument that the west is pressuring the taliban. they are namely pressuring the taliban but, on the other hand, they have provided $1.1 billion in the name of humanitarian assistance, which has assisted the taliban to consolidate and there is zero western supervision of how this assistance is being distributed or spent. forgive me for interrupting, but the message from the world food programme and other un agencies is that the $1.1 billion that you refer to is nowhere near enough. at least $2 billion more needs to be given to afghanistan now to stop people dying.
we are ready to give more sacrifices and i think if the international community recognises this cruel, inhumane regime, it will further reinforce the conspiracy theories that the handover of afghanistan was an international a western conspiracy to prepare for the new cold war and the collateral was afghanistan and victimised the republic and the population of afghanistan. the west owes us, the west is guilty, and they have to help the afghans create a legitimate state. recognition of the taliban will intensify the civil war, it will lead to massacre, and it will lead to unprecedented level of violence the country has not seen. we are ready to stop armed resistance, provided there is a mechanism
are you telling me you do not want that money to be delivered because you do not want the taliban to be involved in receiving it? when they were giving money to the republic, they had a systems to also have scrutiny over our own income. but today, they are sending that money to the taliban, without asking the taliban what they do with the income they have from the customs revenue. which is in a way, in a very discrete way, in an intelligent way, is consolidating the taliban rule. the west has to put tough conditions for supervision, monitoring and also accountability. what we see this so called humanitarian assistance is helping the taliban to consolidate. i am not saying the afghanistan people should be left to die, i am saying the west is guilty, it is sinful, and what they are doing is wrong. they are sending $40 million a week without knowing where does it goes. to be clear then. crosstalk