reduce that risk. at the same time, he s committed to makerring sure we making sure we reduce the risk terrorists strike from afghanistan again. we ve been working with the afghan government, other afghan leader, the taliban to try and reduce the level of violence, to commence and you would know this, chris, well we re trying to get the afghans to talk to each other. this basic idea for almost two decades now. we had the taliban s commitment to do that. we had their commitment to break from al-qaeda publicly, and they would obviously have to deliver on that commitment. so we ve made real progress. but in the end, the taliban overreached. they forgot that america s always going to protect itself interests. the commander commands resolute support in the nato forces, killed over a thousand taliban just in the last ten days, and while this isn t a war of attrition, the american people need to know we will continue to apply the appropriate pressure chris: so are the talks now dead,
restart them? for the time being, they are. chris: okay. we ve recalled the ambassador to come back to washington so that we can begin to think about how we would chart the path forward. i think and although the president hasn t made a final decision, what they did here was they tried to use terror to improve their negotiating position, and i think anyone who s observed president trump knows whether it was in hanoi with north korea or whether it s been in how we responded when the chinese reneged on their commitment in the trade deal, if in the course of a conversation when we re trying to improve both teams outcomes through a negotiated solution if the other team commits an act that s inconsistent with that, president trump s not going to take that deal. he s not going to take a bad deal. we re looking for more than words on paper, we re looking for delivered commitment, and the taliban couldn t live up to commitment. chris: so the talks are off indefinitely? it will ultimate
towards? i m trying to figure out when we begin impeachment, house vote to authorize the impeachment proceeding and judiciary commitment to proceed. we had the judiciary committee proceeding for the year and a half, they will keep proceeding forward and finding pr gestures, you know, scapegoat hearings and outrageous statements and as a result it s going to drown out everything else nancy pelosi has been trying to do, who can name the four or five major pieces of legislation that the house of representatives has passed and sent to senate, nobody on the street corners of america can tell you what that is because it s drowned out by impeachment. let me go to congressman harmen, you now have a majority of house democrats who have called not for impeachment but formally beginning impeachment proceedings, will nancy pelosi be forced to put some kind of official marker on that proceeding? i think she s right to be
mean, we ve been at this now almost two decades, chris. $30 billion a year, and we ve got terror risks all across the world, not just in afghanistan. we ve got to make sure we have the force s posture right all across the world. we sometimes singularly focus on afghanistan because of its deep history and deep connection and what they did on 9/11 that still angers me to this very moment. we ve got to make sure we get it right, and our efforts over the last months have been to do that. president trump has been very clear about our mission set, and i hope we ll get the opportunity to continue to head down that path so we can get the reduction in violence and we can get the taliban to make a commitment and then live up to it to break with al-qaeda and that we can get them back at the negotiating table with their afghan brothers and sisters to reduce the level of violence there. chris: iran just announced that it is going to use advanced centrifuges that will allow it to enrich uranium fast
conversation would lead i mean, we ve been at this now almost two decades, chris. $30 billion a year, and we ve got terror risks all across the world, not just in afghanistan. we ve got to make sure we have the force s posture right all across the world. we sometimes singularly focus on afghanistan because of its deep history and deep connection and what they did on 9/11 that still angers me to this very moment. we ve got to make sure we get it right, and our efforts over the last months have been to do that. president trump has been very clear about our mission set, and i hope we ll get the opportunity to continue to head down that path so we can get the reduction in violence and we can get the taliban to make a commitment and then live up to it to break with al-qaeda and that we can get them back at the negotiating table with their afghan brothers and sisters to reduce the level of violence there. chris: iran just announced that it is going to use advanced centrifuges that will all