TALANG PARIT, Indonesia For more than two decades, the residents of this Indigenous community in Riau province, on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, have watched as their lakes dried up and the rainforest dwindled. “The forest is gone,” Batin Irasan, the village’s ketua adat, or spiritual leader, told Mongabay Indonesia. “What was sacred has […]
Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini confirmed that her ministry will review the construction of habitable houses in the traditional area of the Talang .
INDRAGIRI HILIR, Indonesia Customary leaders Patih Majuan, Datuk Manti and Datuk Mangku approach their scared forest with hands clasped in prayer. Other residents of the village of Talang Durian Cacar follow in tow, as the three elders reach a tennis court-sized opening here in the south of Sumatra’s Indragiri Hilir district. The four corners […]
From land governance to carbon payments, Jambi has the potential to be an example of successful integrated landscape management taking place in real-time. In the long run, Indonesia could scale up the initiatives in Jambi and use it as a model for sustainable land use management.