have been the most effective fighting part thers that we have, because if that decision was delayed because of mike flynn was on the payroll of turkey, that is a very significant consequence. one of our primary concerns in addition to one of the horrible losses of life there is that the people of syria are plotting against us. anything that delays our taking raqqa, defeating isis. when i read the op-ed that mr. flynn wrote, saying we should turn him over without any evidence, it set off alarm bells with me and it should have that e that there was something that could have. what is accounted for was $600,000 in turk iish money.
violence and killing. in other words, we ve got choices. if you think the last eight years were a good idea, then let s keep doing it. if you don t, then we ought to back the president but also recognize this is the beginning. this is only the first step. if we want to succeed, we re going to have to step by step do a lot more than is being done. what you re saying is a lot more than tomahawk cruise missiles, you want warplanes to go in there with pilots. they have air defense systems and they could be endangered and are you also saying u.s. ground troopsing into the troops go in there to help advise these people? we need advise and consent and just as in syria we have american troops who are helping those who are taking raqqa. there are about what, 1,000 u.s. troops. in syria. bashar al assad will not be overthrown by american troops. it would be by a trained and equipped free syrian army from a