democratic side if we could give bernie sanders a little air time now because apparently you know the crowds have been getting larger and larger for him, so, how do you read this? in terms of whether it puts him in a better position you know, for the long haul here, ellis. well, listen. the passion of the democratic party is on the left. it s in the progressive wing. the same way the passion of the republican party is on the far right. and so yeah he ll turn out big crowds. no he s not going to be the nominee, but he does tug hillary to the left. i think that s fine. brian? this scares me a lot because this capitalist country defeated fash is m. we have 90% of democrats willing to vote for a socialist. that is scary to me. looks like the occupied people have take b over the democratic party and instead of standing up hillary clinton is now parroting their talking points. to my democrat friends, i say wake up your party s lost its
particularly tea party base, so they ve known it s a losing minority strategy for a long time. they ve chosen to do it any way, thinking down to their personal benefit and also let s keep out there they think it s legitimately the best thing for the country. so, what i am seeing now and because you re from reason and reason is covered ron paul a lot and ron paul was a very important figure, is a kind of creeping ron paulism that s take b over the republican party. what really distinguished him from his followers was death of commitment. the people that cared about him and his message, cared deeply, 100%, but it was not a broadly popular message. and that kind of approach is death for a major national party, but it seems to be what s guiding ethos of ted cruz and