THE war between Hopewell Chin'ono and Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi, known is some quarters as Promise Pfenye, continues unabated. Chin'ono alleges that Mkwananzi is collaborating with the Central Intelligence Organization (CIO). Last week, Chin'ono, posting on X, referred to Mkwananzi by his first name and claimed that the CCC spokesperson is…
The war between Hopewell Chin ono and Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi, known is some quarters as Promise Pfenye, continues un.
Investigative journalist Hopewell Chin ono alleges that Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi, known is some quarters as Promise Pf.
Hopewell Chin'ono alleges that Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi, known is some quarters as Promise Pfenye, is collaborating with the Central Intelligence Organization (CIO). Chin'ono, posting on X, referred to Mkwananzi by his first name and claimed that the CCC spokesperson is working with the CIO to disrupt the opposition. He stated:…