SPECULATION that superstar Jay Chou has his own private yacht was sparked after another celebrity made a joke about it on his Instagram profile, China Press reported.
Taipei, Nov. 8 (CNA) Relatives of a Taiwanese man recently killed fighting for Ukraine, following the Russian invasion of that country, have left for the East European nation to identify his body and deal with related matters, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said Tuesday.
By Shelley Shan / Staff reporterLegislative Yuan Deputy Speaker Tsai Chi-chang (蔡其昌) yesterday said that he has raised NT$10 million (US$356,875) to fund humanitarian aid for Ukrainian refugees in Poland, adding that more funds would be welcome.
Legislative Yuan Deputy Speaker Tsai Chi-chang (蔡其昌) yesterday said that he has raised NT$10 million (US$356,875) to fund humanitarian aid for Ukrainian refugees in Poland, adding that more funds would be welcome.
A “Taiwan Can Help” news conference is to be held at the legislature in Taipei today to announce the donation, which was made by more than 10 Taiwanese firms, Tsai said.
“The Russian invasion of Ukraine has shown us the cruelty and bloodshed of war, and how families are torn apart by it. My friends in business and I have raised NT$10 million and hope that this will be timely