On Wednesday, March 23, German President Joachim Gauck addressed an audience of university students in Shanghai. Among many views not typically aired in public in China, Gauck, a former Luterhan minister and anti-communist organizer, told the crowd at Tongji University that 1989 the year the East German communist state collapsed proved to him that “human rights are not
My historical novel “A Most Immoral Woman” tells the story of Morrison’s passionate and unconventional affair with Mae Perkins, an independent and wealthy young American libertine, in 1904. It’s a tale that roams the landscape of a dynasty in decline, looks out over the battlefields of the Russo-Japanese War, and imagines a time when a woman’s forthright sexuality could be
Stack’s Bowers and Ponterio is pleased to present a large and varied selection of Asian and Asia-related coins and paper money in their biannual Hong Kong