will, and syndicated columnest charles. gentlemen, george, what do you think today? well, about the polls, i question how many americans are really thinking about this until the pollster says are you thinking about this and then they dutyfully say they re concerned and alarmed, et cetera. i also question how long this will have an effect after this as a receding memory. all that said, clearly the republicans are not enjoying this. but i m not sure the president is either. this week we began to get some adult supervision from someone nine years younger than the president, paul ryan, who said outlines of the deal are so obvious. we have something you very much want and that is a sequester you d like to weaken. and you have something we want, which is the ability to cooperate on reigning in the entitlement state. let s deal. the nonsense from the white house about not negotiating, they re in the process of negotiating whether it s pre-negotiating negotiating, but they re negotiating.
even further. even if there were some kind of an agreement or some kind of handbook or contract that described him as a seasonal worker, if he s actually doing something different than he s entitled to receive those benefits. it s like that old joke, how many legs does a dog have if you call a tail a leg? the answer is four. it doesn t matter what you call it. it s what it is in real life. and if in real life we ve got somebody who s working full time, he should be entitled to those full time benefits. this case illustrates so perfectly the gap between what happens in a court of law and what happens in the court of public opinion. because if you go out there and you ask anybody whether or not this woman deserves those full-time benefits, i think you get a resounding yes. i would surge that city regardless of whatever legal niceties they want to wrap themselves in, take care of this woman and her family. yeah. she says he was full time. she insists, you know, saying even before the fi
reminds me a little bit of that notion how many how many legs would a dog have if you call a tail a leg. the answer s still four, it doesn t matter what you call it. so speculating about whether stand your ground would work for trayvon martin in different circumstances isn t exactly it. i think, though, the conversation needs to be in an entirely i think he meant in the same circumstances. i think he meant in the same circumstances, i think he said in the same fight, had trayvon martin pulled out a gun and shot george zimmerman instead, could trayvon martin in that case invoke stand your ground and he said and if you re ambiguous, if the answer s ambiguous, then maybe we should be thinking about these laws. am i wrong with that, loni? no. i think that s exactly his point. and, you know, anytime we re talking about having more people invoke stand your ground, that s my issue with it. it s, like, more people have the right to shoot and kill someone else. i don t think it s good f