Student Government announced the students who claimed their Senate seats by way of write-in votes and final vote tallies in all races Monday, after initially announcing Finance Director Martin Hursh and Vice President Quinn Margrett won the presidential election alongside all 18 balloted Senate candidates vying for 36 seats. A total of 3,412 students participated.
Racial prejudice within the criminal justice system was brought up during the Iowa State Student Government meeting public forum Wednesday, when the Color of Love President Endi Montalvo-Martínez told the Senate to take action against policing on campus. “It’s concerning that a community can be built with people who carry a gun at their waist..
The Senate unanimously passed the first round of updates for the Operating Rules of the Senate. Graduate and Professional Student Senate Senator Edward Mahoney, a graduate student in computer science, has been working on the bill since the 2022-23 school year. “The first chapter deals with all of the stuff we do [at Senate meetings].
The Senate confirmed Abhiraj Agarwal, a freshman in supply chain management, as IDEA (inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility) director. Agarwal said coming to Iowa State from India has been transformative, but that it has opened his eyes to issues regarding diversity, equity and inclusion. “Living in the United States has been a learning experience and.