On Wednesday, May 5, Raleigh will become the home of North Carolina’s first Torchy’s Tacos, based out of Austin, Texas. The taqueria chain will open in the Midtown East development off of Wake Forest Road, at 1110 Mercantile Drive. According to the
News & Observer, the first 100 customers through the door will receive a Torchy’s t-shirt, which will entitle the wearer to free chips and queso every day for a year.
Based out of Austin, Texas, Torchy’s started as a taco trailer in 2006, and quickly spread out into brick-and-mortar restaurants across Texas and into other states. In early 2020, CEO of the company G.J. Hart stated that he wanted to double the number of locations by 2023, which would mean around 160 Torchy’s locations across the United States.