Begin jaren tachtig verloren milieuactivisten hun strijd tegen de aanleg van de A27 dwars door het eeuwenoude bos van Amelisweerd bij Utrecht. Nu bevechten zij de verbreding van de weg tot veertien stroken. Op 16 juni debatteert de Kamer hierover.
infrastructure should not have to rely on the charitable of others. this is unconscionable. and several unions representing pilot attendants and air traffic controllers, we can t calculate the level of risk currently at pl play, nor predict when the entire system will break. you run a city a big one and you know what can go wrong. what s your thinking of the lack of understanding of the people in the white house and their friends like the secretary of commerce? if we needed any conformation they live in a parallel world, we heard it today. this is an electricity crisis, a food on oyour table crisis and it s so fund mamentally out of touch with real america. in los angeles we re going to start helping our tsa agents,