Veteran Bollywood actress Tabassum - who hosted the iconic television series Phool Khile Hain, Gulshan Gulshan on Doordarshan for two decades, has passed away following a massive cardiac arrest, her son Hoshang said here on Saturday
Veteran actor Tabassum, known for her work as a child artiste and also as host of popular Doordarshan talk show "Phool Khile Hain Gulshan Gulshan", has di..
She started her career as a child actor Baby Tabassum in 1947. She also hosted the popular Doordarshan celebrity talk show Phool Khile Hain Gulshan Gulshan from 1972 to 1993.
Veteran Bollywood actress Tabassum, who hosted the iconic television series, Phool Khile Hain Gulshan Gulshan on Doordarshan for two decades, passed away following a massive cardiac arrest, her son Hoshang said here on Saturday
The woman has been identified as Noori Ibrahim, a resident of Tamil Nadu, the police said, adding that the agent, Ibraheem Keethadth 44, is a resident of Bengaluru, they said. Keethadth also disclosed Tabassums address in Bengaluru, but she was not found there, police said.