The recent news that a Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FRSU) vessel carrying Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) would be sailing to to Finland rather than to Estonia, albeit to supply both countries, is the latest chapter in a saga going back a decade-and-a-half, linking the politics of both countries, and that of Latvia and Lithuania, not to mention the European Union, with the use of natural gas as a weapon on the part of the Russian Federation.
Two bills aimed at reforming the electricity market passed their first Riigikogu reading Wednesday evening in a special session convened for the purpose. The bills, should they enter law, have both the long-term goal of moving towards renewables electricity only, and aim to resolve the immediate issue of soaring electricity prices, by providing a universal, guaranteed service.
Today's record high electricity stock exchange price is due to a number of factors coinciding at the same time and all options to increase imports are exhausted, Nord Pool said on Tuesday.
State officials met more with private sector lobbyists than those from any other sector, over the past year, according to data whose collection the justice ministry made mandatory from last March.