Actress Sushmita Sen, who is set to play transgender activist Gauri Sawant in the web series 'Taali', took 6 months for the project but she learnt every dialogue by heart. It was Gauri Sawant's PIL (public interest litigation) that led to a landmark Supreme Court judgement in 2014, recognising the transgender community as the third gender. |
Actress Sushmita Sen, who is set to play transgender activist Gauri Sawant in the web series ‘Taali,’ took six months for the project but she learnt every dialogue by heart
Actress Sushmita Sen, who is set to play transgender activist Gauri Sawant in the web series 'Taali', took 6 months for the project but she learnt every dialogue by heart. It was Gauri Sawant's PIL (public interest litigation) that led to a .