La producción aérea vía BSP de las agencias de viajes españolas desciende ligeramente alrededor de un 8% en el mes de agosto, respecto a julio. Registran algo más de 138 millones de euros frente a los 151 millones del mes pasado, según los últimos datos de la Asociación Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (IATA).
revolution. and in 20010 the owners came under fire for not honoring the 100 anniversary of mother ta rea s birth. reaction to the dolan controversy has varied. he s part of new york. new york should honor new yorkers who are tpaeupls. it s a no-brainer. i don t know why they won t want to do it. i m sure they will offend a lot of people by not doing it. but that is their right. i just think that, you know, when it s a privately owned company, privately owned building they have a right to do whatever they want. reporter: well the private building owners maintain that they consider the selection a privilege, not an entitlement. reporter: we know the cardinal is usually never at a loss for words. what is he saying about all of this? reporter: you know, anybody who has ever heard the cardinal speak he is a funny and, you know, very charismatic sort of guy. he has really been talking about this and tipping his red hat in thanks many times for the large scale celebrations of his e