SCG s Chemicals Business and Dow Thailand Group (Dow) announced the success of Map Ta Phut Olefins (MOC) Debottleneck Project (MOC Debottleneck or MOCD), which was completed ahead of plan and has started initial production. Production is expected to reach full capacity in May 2021. The MOCD will expand the MOC s olefins production capacity by 350,000 tons per year, strengthening its capability and competitive advantage, meeting the globally growing demand from industries, and enhancing Thailand s petrochemical industry potentiality. State-of-the-art technology of MOC Debottleneck project enables the production process to have a lower investment cost, promotes energy saving, and is environmentally-friendly (Green Process).
Roongrote Rangsiyopash, President and CEO of SCG, said, The MOCD is the MOC s largest project in terms of investment and technological challenges. The project was completed earlier than planned despite being amid the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to the stringent and c