CT20116 is a crystal oscillator that generates a low jitter 25MHz clock by mean of either an external crystal connected between pins XTALI/REFCLK IN and .
1500592. the state of south carolina county of collagen in the court of general sessions. in the term of 2022, july. the state vs. richard alexander murdaugh, defendant. indictment for murder sc code 16-3-0010 cdr code 0116. okay. guilty verdict. signed by the forelady. 32/23. docket number 2022-gs-15-00593. the state of south carolina county of as you will son in the court of general sessions the july term of 2022. the state vs. richard alexander
murdaugh, defendant. indictment for murder sc code 16-3-0010 cdr code 0116, verdict guilty. signed by the forelady. date 3/2 of 23. docket number 2022-gs 15-00595. the state of south carolina county of coal tan, court of general session july term 2022. the state vs. richard alexander murdaugh, defendant. indictment for possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime sc code- code-16-23-0490. cdr code 0549. verdict, guilty. signed by the foreperson of the jury date 3/2/23. docket number 2022 gs-15-00594.
starting with the back, flipping them over one by one. docket number 2022-00592, the state of south carolina in the court of general sessions, in the term of 2022, july, the state versus richard alexander murdaugh, defendant, indictment for murder, sd code 16-3-0010-cdr code 0116. guilty verdict. signed by the forelady 3/2/23.