t momentwasbig. kissinge tus o wrg re-eleion.nixon ea in1992,o dsefo leionday,sint george h.w. bush s hopes wereurt when defense secrery caspe weinberger former dn secreta a the tme was implicated in e iranontra scandal then t weend before the election in 2000 it was realed arrest dedes earlr foren drunk iving. news that hlp alore pull en in the lls. that w actuallyur frst nober surprise technally. there s no of knowng whether f ores coy snnoucent wita its place among the mre kno tha justiceses. scgedeyrom going demoathave med from aing with ction t eyay comey doesn t know whether the e-mails are significant or whether they were sent to or from hillary clinton, then why go public right before the election? at the very least, this has