enough to defeat the massive corruption we are up againsts is you, the american people. it s true, the american people, the greatest people on earth, we love them all and we love tor both sides. we re going to bring peoplein together. we re going to unify people. now, the house in january and of course, anybody that is running for president , they are runningry are on a pl, a platform, hopefully, to fix problef our country that is in decline. democrats, they wantats, t republicanhes to only kill eachl other, yet they ve created alle. these problems. them doset they ll be killing themselves because most of them don t want and m biden and mostf them don t have the courage to admit it. there are a lot of big, big issues looking out for the american working men and women. the people that really make america great will be a top. it has to be a top priority for republicans. but don t kid yourself. republicanlf.s running for high