Tamil Nadu Industries Minister T R B Rajaa said the state has already got commitments for investments to the tune of ₹3 lakh crore by way of Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) inked with various companies.
Battery Manufacturing Policy: Participating in the CII s Young Indians (Yi) 20th national summit in Chennai on Friday, industries minister T R B Rajaa said Tamil Nadu, which is India s EV capital, wants to become the EV capital of the world.
At the India EV Conclave event organised on the theme Electrifying Tomorrow: Navigating the EV Transition", he said 50 per cent of installed energy capacity in the state was green and the government was targeting to increase it to 75%.
The government of Tamil Nadu is planning to establish a Centre for Advanced Manufacturing in Chennai, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum. The objective of the centre is to support companies in areas such as innovation, sustainability, research and development. The government aims to position Tamil Nadu as a leader in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and achieve a $1 trillion economy.
Tamil Nadu is engaged in improving the electric vehicle charging infrastructure aimed at accelerating the adoption of EVs in the state, Minister for Industries T R B Rajaa has said.