problematic. if you get too much washington all over it, it becomes a real problem. what about bill clinton support? i m talking about the republican primary. the democratic primary might be different. if you re a bill clinton person i hate to break it to you. you re going to get a lot of money. you could knock off harry reid with sue laden, a former tv anchorwoman, middle of the road or reasonably conservative. sharron angle you let get the harry reid did everything he could to get sharron angle elected. he knocked off sue lauden. that s another way to win. anyway, the democratic senatorial campaign committee is at work taking on mcconnell. this is part of a new kentucky radio ad playing off march madness, playing off the basketball games. let s listen to the democrats argument here. and we re back. it s tournament time but senator mcconnell is playing for the washington special interests against kentucky. kentucky s trying to move up, trying to provide assi