tweeted it. one would wonder why would you tweet it, especially when the optics are so bad? maybe this is something i shouldn t make public. one would think. but you re presuming any level of rationality from this president. i don t believe he is playing interdimensional chess. i think the bigger picture here is that the great man theory of complex international relations and negotiations isn t holding up so well in this administration, right? i mean look at north korea. look at iran. look at whatever these negotiations are with the taliban. it s like trump seems to think that if only the guy who can negotiate a great deal with granite countertops, if only he were in there, finally we could solve all the problems of the middle east. and maybe that s what he is trying to advertise here, right? that if he has a seat at the table and he wants everyone to know that he was claiming a seat at that table, then we could resolve all these problems.