Madhabi Puri Buch says SEBI is streamlining the use of technology and processes to make sure that whenever there is an opportunity to raise capital from the market, there is never any reason for a delay from their end
India Business News: T+0 settlement system - the world's shortest! India's stock market has introduced the T+0 settlement system, settling trades on the same day, departin
Traditionally, Indian exchanges followed a T+2 settlement cycle, which was shortened to T+1 in January 2023. It started in a phased manner from January 2022.
Stock exchanges set to introduce T+0 settlement for select stocks, parallel to T+1. SEBI to monitor progress. Vamsi Krishna lauds benefits while concerns about market volatility persist. Transition from T+1 required infrastructure changes. Cash market volumes may decline.
On March 21, the Sebi issued the framework for implementing the beta version of same-day settlement on an optional basis, in addition to the T+1 settlement cycle.